Carb cycling is a variant on low carb eating that has been getting bodybuilders lean and fat free for decades. I’ve used carb cycling in the past as a way to get into contest shape and have gotten shredded using this approach! Typical carb cycling involves rotating low, medium and [...]

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TriCon Explained

What is a TriCon set? A TriCon set utilizes all 3 contraction types. TriCon stands for Triple Contraction… Your muscles contract in three different ways: Eccentric, Concentric, and Isometric… Eccentric means lengthening, or stretching the muscle. The negative is a more common term. Using a bench press as an example [...]

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Protein is a powerful macronutrient! Its chemical makeup includes combinations of hydrogen and carbon molecules. Proteins are structural and regulatory molecules made up of specific combinations of 20 different amino acids. Eight of these amino acids can’t be synthesized in the body and must be supplied by the diet. The [...]

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