Carb cycling is a variant on low carb eating that has been getting bodybuilders lean and fat free for decades. I’ve used carb cycling in the past as a way to get into contest shape and have gotten shredded using this approach! Typical carb cycling involves rotating low, medium and [...]

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Time Under Tension

Your muscles get bigger because the fibers that make up your muscles get bigger. So, in order to bring about the greatest response, you need to know what is happening at a cellular level when you are working out. Fortunately, when it comes to muscle fiber, it’s really simple . [...]

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TriCon Explained

What is a TriCon set? A TriCon set utilizes all 3 contraction types. TriCon stands for Triple Contraction… Your muscles contract in three different ways: Eccentric, Concentric, and Isometric… Eccentric means lengthening, or stretching the muscle. The negative is a more common term. Using a bench press as an example [...]

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Hormone Optimization

What if the Site Manager for a building site just didn’t show up? What if most of the workers didn’t show up either? We wouldn’t expect a great home to be built, would we? Our hormones are like our bodies ‘Site Managers’, coordinating and regulating all the many functions that [...]

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