Why you should be doing high-intensity cardio

High intensity cardio, also known as sprint interval training, is defined as “a cardiovascular exercise strategy that involves alternating short periods of intense exercise with less intense recovery periods, until you are too exhausted to continue.

It has become extremely popular in the last few years and many fitness experts swear by it. However, a large number of people still stay away from high intensity cardio since it’s very demanding.

All that you need is the motivation to get started. Let’s have a look at eight reasons why you should be doing high intensity cardio:

Reason #1: Higher Efficiency

High intensity cardio gives you the same results as long-duration cardio but in lesser time. High intensity workout taxes both anaerobic and aerobic fitness, whereas traditional cardio only addresses aerobic fitness. 

Anaerobic workouts build muscles, and aerobic workouts increase the amount of oxygen you inhale. Hence, high intensity workouts will improve your endurance and also add to the strength.

According to data, 27 minutes of high intensity cardio training thrice a week gives you the same results as following a traditional workout regimen one hour a day for five days a week.

High intensity cardio may be more taxing and demanding but the results are there to see. You will be able to get more by spending less time at the gym.

This is one of the main reasons why high interval training is said to be suitable for busy people. After all, a lack of time is one of the major reasons why so many people cannot go to the gym regularly, according to this study.

Reason #2: Allows the Body to Burn Fat Faster

High intensity cardio is great because it focuses on burning fat and not muscles. It can be very beneficial if you’re working out to lose weight or gain muscles as it offers double benefits.

The phenomenon is simple. You need oxygen to burn fat. The more intense your workout, the more oxygen will go inside your body, thus aiding the fat loss process.

This ‘afterburn’ effect is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. 

Moreover, such training puts your body into hyperdrive, allowing you to burn fat for an extended period of time – up to 48 hours after such training – and not just during your workouts.

Reason #3: Boosts Metabolism and Suppresses Appetite

High intensity workout does not only improve metabolism but also suppresses appetite, according to a study conducted in Australia.

Experts believe this happens due to the release of ghrelin, an appetite stimulant. Plus, some studies also suggest that high intensity training when coupled with strength training results in the release of gut hormones known to regulate appetite.

This is why high intensity cardio is said to be effective in weight loss. It helps the body go into a state of calorie deficit, which aids in the weight loss process.

Reason #4: More Stamina and Strength

Most of us are not used to pushing our body to a point where we gasp for air. It requires a lot of dedication but is very helpful as it improves your stamina.

A 2006 study found that after eight weeks of high intensity workout, subjects were able to bicycle twice as long as they could before they took part in the study. 

Reason #5: Reduces the Risk of Illness

High intensity cardiovascular training is said to be very effective in preventing or controlling a number of health conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and several heart diseases.

According to a report published by the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease, regular high intensity workouts can improve high blood pressure and may even reduce dependence on drugs. 

The study found that 16 weeks of high intensity training can improve insulin sensitivity and soften stiff arteries which helps keep the blood pressure under control.

Such training is also said to be great for overweight individuals due to the impact it has on overall health. Even if you are slow to lose weight, you will have a healthier heart if you stick to high intensity training.

Reason #6: Allows For a Quick Recovery

A lot of people stay away from weight training since it can result in sore muscles which may take a few days to get back to normal. Such, however, is not the case with high intensity cardio training.

It does not put strain on your muscles, hence there is little to no risk of sore muscles. You may feel tired and exhausted but since it results in the release of estrogen, you will heal quickly.

However, know when to stop as putting too much pressure on your body can result in injuries.

Reason #7: Makes You Look Younger

High intensity training stimulates the production of human growth hormone by up to 45%. This has a direct impact on how you appear and feel.

These hormones slow down the process of aging by decreasing body fat, increasing exercise capacity, bone density, and muscle mass. 

It should be mentioned that overdoing traditional cardio can have a negative effect as it may damage your mitochondria resulted in more signs of aging. 

Reason #8: You Can Do it Anytime, Anywhere

A huge benefit of high intensity cardio is the ease it offers. You can exercise anytime, anywhere since it does not require tools or equipment.

Plus, the versatility is also amazing. Biking, running, rowing, and jumping rope are all great examples of high intensity cardio. You can switch from one activity to another if you ever feel bored of doing the same thing.

You do not even need a bike or rope to perform high intensity training as simple exercises like jumping lunges can also be quite effective in doing the job.

High intensity cardio has several benefits. If you find it hard to lift weights or if you’re bored of doing the same thing day in and day out then consider high training cardio. 

You will notice results within a few weeks of training. However, make sure to know when to stop as high intensity training can lead to burnout and discomfort. Moreover, it may not be suitable


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